Humor and How-to Books

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Please Don't Drink the Holy Water - Catholic homeschool books

Please Don’t Drink the Holy Water

“Greg likes to begin the rosary with a moment of silence. This is to get everyone calm and collected and in a meditative mood. With five girls, this takes half an hour… there are protests, interruptions, whispers, hands raised, groans, sign language, and threats.” By contrast, my method, the rosarius rapidus, starts without everybody. As soon as I fire off the Sign of the Cross, the kids crash to their knees like privates in front of a drill sergeant. Instant piety.” 217 pages. $9

Bless Me, Father, for I Have Kids

“You’re out with your big family and somebody says to your face (and in front of your children, all of whom have ears): “Seven kids! Are you nuts?” What’s funny is, the people who call you nuts really expect you to act sane, and not like this: “Nuts? Children, would one of you be a good girl and get the gun out of Mommy’s diaper bag?” 192 pages. $9

Yes, God! Catholic homeschool books

Yes, God!

How do you raise kids to be in the world but not of it? Based on interviews with young priests and sisters, and their parents, prepare for “serious parenting wisdom in a fun read.” $9

Kids CAN Do Shakespeare!

Get everything you need to perform Shakespeare with kids. Get a paperback on Amazon or a printable below. Watch the trailer, and read testimonials here. 113 pages. $9

Homeschool How-to Ebooks

Print it; hang it; check it off! The Catholic Homeschooler’s Get-Ready for College Checklist breaks the process of applying to college into bite size pieces: Before You Apply, When You Apply, and After You Apply. Don’t miss a thing! 4 pages. $4

Easy steps to plan a moms’ night that not only packs a good time, it creates a network that will support you for years to come! Host a Moms’ Night Out and build a support network of like-minded friends for yourself and your whole family. 8 pages. $4

How do you run a homeschool co-op without getting overwhelmed by yet another huge project? Here you will find the simple principles and step by step instructions that have made our homeschool co-op a success. 17 pages. $4

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