One Awful (Wonderful) Homeschool Year! On the Raising Saints podcast, Lisa Mladnich and I discuss caring for an elderly parent while still homeschooling AND the life lessons our kids got that you can’t learn from books.

Take yourself too seriously? Paola Ciskanik and I dig through the weeds to find the funny on The Catholic Homeschool Podcast.

Past conferences include the cities of New York, D.C., Philadelphia, St. Louis, Houston, Boston, and many more. Online conferences include the Catholic Moms Summit, Homeschool Connections Preparing for College and more.
“You are perhaps the best speaker we ever had.” Legatus of Wilmington, DE. May 2021
“What’s it like having a mother who is a stand up comedian?” Helen Alvare speaking to my daughter, Worcester Catholic Women’s Conference, November 2018
“Thank you. You helped me today. I was being selfish. I am going to help my wife more.” Audience member at Legatus Group gave you the highest rating as a speaker.” John Miravich, Program Chair, February 2012
“After the conference thirteen of us went out to dinner and we all agreed how funny you were and what a delight it was to hear you.” Allison Girone, audience member, CHAPLET Conference April, 2010